Welcome to Middle School Band! There is a lot to learn this year, and this information will help you prepare. The class code to join the Middle School Band Google Classroom is i6t3h47 .
Patriotic Tribute Concert – November 8, 2021 7:00 PM
Winter Concert – December TBD
Spring Concert – April TBD
Part of your grade will come from lesson attendance. Each lesson is worth 25 points. A minimum of three lessons is required for the first and fourth nine-weeks period, and a minimum of four lessons is required for the second and third nine-weeks periods. Students will on average be scheduled for 5-7 lessons per each nine-week period. Of course, if you have a test or lab in the class that you are scheduled to leave, you will need to stay in that class. Each lessons beyond on the required 3 or 4 result in raffle tickets. These tickets will be used to raffle off prizes at the end of the 2nd and 4th nine weeks. Missing multiple lessons will result in phone calls home and potential loss of points. Students that do not reach the required amount of lessons in a nine-week period will be given additional make-up work and possible exclusion from concerts. Extra lessons will be offered. Students are to schedule them with Mr. Croach prior to the lesson.
Students will also be graded on participation points. Students will be awarded 100 participation points at the beginning of each grading period. Students will lose participation points for poor management of materials, talking/playing during instruction, negative attitude, etc. Bonus points may be awarded to students who exhibit appropriate behavior, positive attitude, focused effort, etc.
Reeds, valve oil, slide oil, mouthpiece pads, etc. are the students’ responsibility. Mr. Croach will maintain extra supplies for emergencies however students’ accounts will be charged if they need to utilize these supplies.
In order to encourage individual practice, students will be given playing tests in through the Google Classroom or during a lesson. These tests are worth 5-25 points. Each test will be graded based on a specifically made playing test rubric.
Passes from other teachers must be presented before the bell rings at the beginning of class in order to be accepted. Passes given to me later in the day will not be accepted, and the absence will be recorded as an unexcused cut. By school policy this carries a consequence of two hours detention. Students should be on time.
The Patriotic, Holiday, and Spring Concerts are to be viewed in the same way as a major cumulative exam in any other academic course. Students who miss a concert for an excused absence (death in the immediate family, severe illness on the part of the student, or once-in-a-lifetime experience) will be required to submit a report on a topic and of a length of the director’s choosing. Students who miss a concert for any other reason will be required to submit a report also. However, their highest possible grade for that concert will be 65%. The director will determine the validity of once-in-a-lifetime experiences.
- Follow directions when given
- Focused and ready to play during instructional time
- Use and handle your equipment only
- Gum, food, or drinks are not permitted in the band room
- Horseplay or rough-housing will not be tolerated.
Consequences (per class period)
First offense – Student receives warning.
Second offense – Loss of one participation point.
Third offense – Loss of additional participation point, loss of one raffle ticket, and a phone call will be made to the parents.
Fourth offense – Hour of detention, student immediately sent to the principal, and a phone call will be made to the parents.
Severe offense – Student will immediately be sent to the principal.
Three late to class = 1 hour detention.
Individual practice at home is required – please view it as homework for band class
Bonus points will be awarded in a variety of ways including but not limited to:
Private Lessons + 5 points for each nine weeks that student takes lessons
Attend Concert Outside of School Function + 2 points for each concert (must have program from concert)
Extra Effort in Class + 1 or more points (Director’s Discretion)